Is It Difficult to Switch IT Support Providers?
Unfortunately, not every IT support provider was created equal. In fact, we’ve heard many a horror story about IT support providers who have let their clients…
Why the Right IT Support Really Matters
Whether technology has a starring role in your company or simply makes life easier in just a few areas, ensuring you have the right support for the devices,…
How To Secure Your Businesses Ways of Working
Staying safe online should be a vital part of every business’ every day, and if it’s not, it should be! According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018,…
What to Expect from an IT Manager
When it comes to your IT infrastructure, we understand that only the best support will do. Whether you are recruiting an IT manager in-house or using an…
How to Slash Your Businesses IT Costs
When it comes to the management of any business that bottom line certainly matters. To be as successful as you can be in your chosen field, you must be…
Why Out of Hours IT Support Really Matters
These days, thanks to round the clock representation online, businesses are no longer 9 ‘til 5. Business websites, and the service information or access to…
The Tech Trends to Expect in 2019
In today’s internet-obsessed world, the role of technology is continuously evolving. Every month, week or even day brings something new to the market,…
5 Signs Your Email Account Has Been Hacked
Email plays a vital role in both our professional and personal lives. For businesses in particular, email offers an essential method of communication,…
Should I Take Out IT Emergency Cover?
Your IT infrastructure sits at the very centre of your business. Whether you are a start-up company or established market leader, a niche business or one with…
The Benefits of an IT Infrastructure Audit
Your IT infrastructure is the backbone of your company. As technologies evolve, practices change and your market needs progress ensuring your IT infrastructure…
Cloud Data Backup: An Essential Guide
The data you process, store and share every day is important to your business and its operations. Certain to be a mix of company and customer information, the…
Your Guide to Email Encryption
Email plays a vital part in how you do business, from communicating with new and existing customers through email marketing to providing the highest standard…
Office 365: Best Practice Tips for Better Business
With some 1.2 billion users relying on Microsoft on a daily basis, it’s easy to say that Office 365 is one of the most popular subscription services on the…
The Future of Your Business IT Systems
These days an IT infrastructure has to deliver on several fronts to be deemed successful. Whatever market you reside in and whichever product or service you…
Writing a Cyber Security Policy for Your Business
With almost half of all UK businesses suffering a cyber-attack or security breach in 2017, cyber security should be on every company’s agenda. The online world…
5 Signs That Say It’s Time to Change Your IT Support Provider
Outsourcing to an experienced IT support provider is a particularly popular choice for businesses across the country. The use of outsourced IT support services…
Is Public Wi-Fi Dangerous for Remote Workers?
Great advancements have been made on the IT security scene yet public networks remain tricky places to tread, especially for those looking to use them for…
The Top Concerns Businesses Have When Outsourcing
There are numerous benefits that go hand-in-hand with outsourcing your IT support to a professional, time served and tailor-made service like ourselves. In…
Data Only or Full System Backup? The Pros & Cons
Cybercrime is more of an issue than ever, affecting businesses of all shapes and sizes to cause untold damage to their financial statuses and reputations. Many…
If I’m Stuck in a Contract Can I Change My IT Support?
As a business owner, your company’s IT system is likely to be a vital part of your wider infrastructure. It’s not just investing in the best IT hardware and…
Top Tips for Writing Your First IT Security Plan
Preparation is certainly the key to safeguarding your company against all the nasty characters and consequences of the cybercrime world. Yet creating an IT…
How to Spot A Phishing Email
In the online world, it appears that no one is out of bounds to hackers and other cyber criminals looking to steal personal information and sensitive data. As…
Improving Device Security For Browsing On The Go
In today’s super connected, technologically driven world, browsing on the go has never been so simple. As well as having the best device to browse remotely –…
Why Should My Small Business Focus on Cyber Security?
With the majority of businesses delivering their products or services via an online outlet, keeping your brand safe on the net certainly counts. Technology is…
The Cost of a Cyber Security Breach
Cybercrime is now one of the most prevalent and damaging criminal activities on the planet. It appears no business is safe, with hackers, fraudsters and cyber…
Should I Take Out IT Emergency Cover?
IT emergencies happen, and whether issues arise due to a sudden network failure or your company’s been hit by a cyber-attack, getting the support you need…
How to Successfully Move Your Business onto the Cloud
Cloud computing has been a buzz term for a number of years now, and with more and more businesses embracing the wider use of technology company-wide, an…
How To Spot An ICO Scam
Inspired by the ‘pump and dump’ scams we got to know in Hollywood blockbuster The Wolf of Wall Street, ICO scams have evolved to plague the cryptocurrency…
What to Do in the Wake of a Cyber Attack
According to the latest government statistics, almost half of all UK businesses have been hit by a cyber-attack or breach in the past 12 months. Whilst much…
Does a Cyber Attack Really Affect Brand Reputation?
With the world in which we live becoming more and more technologically driven, it’s no wonder that so many individuals are taking their businesses online. Many…
What is a Continuity Plan?
Disasters happen, particularly within the online world where the convenience, accessibility and ease of the net can quickly be turned on its head. Whatever…
Upgrade or Buy New? The Best Next Step for Your IT Infrastructure
For many businesses, an IT infrastructure is integral to operations. Keeping your infrastructure, and the software, hardware, devices and processes within, up…
Protect Your Business in the Event of a Cyber-Attack
We recently gave you our top tips for protecting your business against ransomware attacks. But with the growing threat of cyber-attack affecting businesses big…
The Online Scamming Techniques You Need to Be Aware Of
The benefits of running an online business, or having a website or web presence to connect with online customers, are many. As well as having global access to…
The Most Common Cybercrimes Affecting UK Businesses
With news that online fraud and cybercrime are now the most common offences in the UK, it’s safe to say that businesses up and down the country have to be on…
Protecting Your Business Against Ransomware Attacks
As a key threat affecting businesses and individuals at the moment, ransomware has already affected countless brands. As the name suggests ransomware involves…
Why Outsource Your IT Support?
For start-up and small businesses finding the support you need to develop and manage the infrastructure that will keep your company, and its growth, on track…
How to Achieve a More Secure Digital Environment
Whilst cyber security threats are often the result of hacker and ransomware attacks, unbeknown to most businesses, the biggest cyber security threat could be…
Protect Your Business in the Event of an IT Disaster
Unfortunately, IT disasters happen and whilst you are certain to learn some difficult lessons after experiencing an IT disaster first hand, protection is a…
Cyber Security: Best Practice Tips for Remote Workers
Remote working is becoming the norm for businesses up and down the country with 58% of companies now offering flexible working arrangements to their staff.…
Is it Time to Upgrade Your IT Infrastructure?
Whether your business is large or small, niche or catering to widespread demand, your IT infrastructure is a vital part of operations. Your IT infrastructure…
Preparing Your Organisation for GDPR
The deadline for the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fast approaching. Now what seemed to be a date far, far in the future is…
Our new office, and a quick Syntec update
We’ve moved in to our new offices here at Corby Enterprise Centre, a creative, inspirational setting supporting the continued growth of the business. We…
Configuring Cisco HSRP
HSRP has been developed by Cisco to provide redundancy for your network on both sides. For example in a datacentre situation providing a redundant uplink to a…